Monday, 4 March 2013


Hey everyone!

When I say important,
then it means that it's freaking important.

Unfortunately, CherryBombz and RiceBunny will quit near the end of March due to certain reasons.
CherryBombz will be leaving because she's failing some really important subjects that she needs to pass her year.
RiceBunny will be leaving because she's going back to her dear Cloud 9 Subs.

And so, I cannot manage this group ALONE.
So I'm currently looking for admins willing to give up part of their free time to help me out.


-Needs know how to either:
~Edit and Typeset
~Raw provider is also an option
~Everything (Yes, everything is preferred)

-Have to be committed to this job and NOT QUIT AFTER A MONTH OR TWO. (I expect you to still work with us until the end...o.o)

What you're supposed to do:
-Helping out if a staff cannot do his part (i.e: edit a chapter once in a while)
-Organising the jobs for each "worker" with me through email
-Releasing chapters
-Recruiting editors/translators.
-Updating our Facebook page and our Forum and our Official site once in a while
-Creating some events (like win a prize by submitting a fan art or something like that)

Anyway, send me an email:
and I'll reply a day or less.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear o_o; That's not good. Good luck to CherryBombz and RiceBunny. I wish I could help, but at most,I can typeset and proofread.. If I can help with anything until you find other admins to support you, please don't hesitate to message me! Good Luck! I know we'll make it through this period :)
